Well, today James came down with his first ear infection, and is taking it like a trooper. He didn't even cry or make a peep when the doctor put the ear looker-inner in his ear to check it out. Such good little boy. I noticed today that he was a little fussy and not himself when I went to school to feed him at lunchtime. Then I noticed that his ear was all crusty on the outside and he had a giant glob of earwax in his eat that was not there this morning. When I picked him up later to take him to his doctors appointment, the gals said that after his afternoon nap, he just laid down on the little mat under the mirror that they have there and stared off into space for a half hour. Totally not James. He never sits still for that long, and is never quiet for that long. The doctor checked him out and reported a small infection, and said that is was most likely viral, and didn't recommend antibiotics. Phew! He said it should pass in a few days on it's own. I like this guy!
So, life moves on in our home. I have been sick for the past few days, and Scout is having foot "issues". We have affectionately begun calling her hop-a-long for her limp. Poor little girl.
We started Acorn squash last night and he LOVES it! He gobbled it up and kept opening his mouth for more. I get it now; He's a vegetable guy!
I must make a note about how chipper and happy James always is. I have no idea how Sean and I got so lucky. He really is all smiles, and babbles, and movement. His little legs never stop moving, and talking. He recently added "dada" and "dad" to his repertoire. We are truly blessed in every sense of the word. Neither Sean or I can believe how much we love this little ham. I can't wait to see what he will do tomorrow...
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