Good morning and Happy Thanksgiving! It is a beautiful day in Bozeman, Montana! The sun is shining, it is cold, and Sean is out Elk hunting. I am in domestic bliss in the kitchen listening to the Greatful Dead, and James playing in his crib, when he is supposed to be taking a nap...The sounds that are coming from the monitor are cracking me up. I am waiting for Alice's Restaurant to come on the radio at 10:00 (it has to be listened too on the radio).
We are going to Bill and Maggie's for dinner at 3:00. It will be a great gathering with Wyn and Brian and Addie (James' best friend, he's already going for older women) and Wyn's friends Nadim and Heidi, and Greg and Lindsay and Sawyer. It will be great.
Sean and I had our second date last night since James was born. "Uncle" Bill insisted on watching James last night while we went to this great Spanish Tapas restaurant in town. We had a great meal (bacon wrapped dates!) and a nice time just enjoying each others company.
James has added nananana to his repertoire of vocabulary. What a ham! He figured out how to open the TV cabinet and doors yesterday, so now comes the fun time of really childproofing the house and locking stuff up. He sat in front of the cabinet yesterday just opening it and closing it, then looking over at me as if to say, "hey, check me out! I am really good at this!" He has also gotten really good at pulling himself up onto things. He loves to sit up on his knees while holding onto something and shake himself while yelling "ahhahhahhahhahh". Hilarious.
He now sleeps curled up in a little ball with his knees tucked under himself and snuggled up with his monkey. He is consistent in his sleep patterns to the point that I am consistent in them! He goes to bed usually by 6:45 (we just can't keep him up any later!) and wakes up for his nighttime nurse and 4:15. I think a nine and a half hour stretch is pretty good! Then he usually goes back to sleep for about two to three more hours.
I think that his favorite time of the day though is bath time. He can be on the verge of a total meltdown, then hear the tub water filling up and immediately become blissfully happy! I always take a bath with him, and he love it. We "swim" in the tub, he loves to blow bubbles in the water, splash with his hands, kick the water ferociously with his feet/legs, and play with his bath toys, especially this little plastic bath time book that Grammy got him. It is just the best. We sure do have a great time during bath time. Come to think of it, it may be my favorite time of the day too...
He is really into books right now. He just loves to turn the page. You can tell him "turn page" and he turns it and then totally cracks up. Does he understand that he is obeying a command? Can he really understand turn page? Seems too, and then is really proud of himself. I take little board books with us everywhere and he just sits there for long periods of time and turns the page. He does this with the books at school too.
Well, I could go on and on, but I'll save some for another post. Love to you all! Happy Thanksgiving!
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