Today Sean left for a four-day elk hunting trip to the Little Belt Mountains with Kelsey. They shoud have a great time in the woods.
Before he left, James had his first brush with Bodie's paw to the face. Poor little guy, his first real owie! He didn't like it.
He is doing great otherwise! Yesterday he was in great form (as usual) and was cracking me up! I took a video of him trying to crawl. His first tooth (bottom left) came through on Tuesday, and is causing him a bit of grief. We have been giving him lot's of extra snuggle time. Sleeping has been going great! He sleeps from about 6:45 to 7:15 until between 4 and 6. Great little sleeper! We are so lucky!
It is completely amazing what a distinct personality he has. I am in awe daily. James is a very busly little boy; always moving around, grabbing at anything in sight, kicking his legs, trying to crawl, rolling around, flirting with every woman in sight, smiling up a storm, giggling, and sitting up and playing with his toys. But then, there are moments when he is completely calm and observant, content to just hang out. Usually it depends on the time of day. I think that we are starting to really figure him out. Of course, that will change tomorrow... All I know, is that we are SO lucky that he is such an easygoing little guy.
We are in week two of, what I like to call, the "great rice cereal experiment". We have been giving him his "dinner" in the eveing when we get home from work. It is going pretty well, I must say. Most nights, he gobbles it up and looks at me for more! But then, there are other nights, when he just could care less, which would be tonight. Not a big eater today. He really varies from day to day, which is not really great for the old breastmilk supply. He continues to be a "snacker". Which is translating to "back to the herbs" for mommy!
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